Payment Methods

How to Pay – Payment Methods

Pay Through Bank Transfer / RTGS / NEFT / IMP / Cheque / Cash Deposit

Account Name Quality Zone Infotech
Account No. 10194740856
IFSC Code IDFB0020124
Sector 12, Noida

While Cash Deposit to Bank – Kindly add Rs. 150/-per transaction to your order amount.

Scan QR Code – Paytm

QR code scanner is very quick and secure way of money transfer. We have to just scan the code through QR code scanner and proceed for payment. It avoids filling the details for payment. It is a barcode in matrix format.

Account Name Quality Zone Infotech
Account No. 0178102000009003
Vaishali Ghaziabad
IFSC Code IBKL0000178

While Cash Deposit to Bank – Kindly add Rs. 150/-per transaction to your order amount.

Online Payment Via PayuMoney

PayuMoney is a payment getway provider in India. It is useful for online business development. We are using this payment getway system in Ecommerce website and app for the convenience of customer. Here, customer can pay directly from the website through debit or credit card.

Pay by Paypal

Paypal provide online payment system throughout the world. When customers purchase a product from other country websites then he pay via Paypal account. In Paypal account you have to only enter your id and password for payment.

Pay by Net Banking

It provides the platform through which we can transfer money online to other account directly. In this bank provide us user id and Net Banking Password. This process is generated by Bank. It is most secure online payment process.

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